Puzzle Pieces: Monetary Reset Plan

Ronmamita's Blog

1financial terrorism
Below are a few puzzle pieces assembled for discussing the global “reset” being implemented by the globalists.
We must question everything, as there is betrayal of trust with a high probability of infighting, and a crumbling central banking system.
Consider Argentina, Ukraine, Libya, Middle-East, and various international emergencies…

As false flag ops (Ebola, cyber attack, wars, martial law), and other declarations of national emergencies loom over the People on Earth, we ask for your helpful research and comments to amplify the global dialogue to save the People on Earth.
One reminder, we do not support predicting dates for future events, because by definition events are event driven and thus can defy schedules.
We are grateful that you are here. ~Ron
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Puzzle Pieces: International Monetary “RESET”

Christine Lagarde – Commercial Banking atty & agent 3 stages for the reset:

1.Confirmed, consolidation (globalization) bigger “Too Big…

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