This, Hidden Jigsaw Piece, Fits the Ukrainian Puzzle

Ronmamita's Blog

Western Bloc (G7 and European Union) vs Eastern Bloc (Russian federation and others)? Western Bloc (G7 and European Union) vs Eastern Bloc (Russian federation and others)?

In the past we, and others, had mentioned this as a likely possibility: The policy makers (for U.S. and Russia) had agreed on the geopolitics prior to armed hostilities in Ukraine. The territorial maps are already redrawn that divides Ukraine into the two major power camps of the EU and Russia, while the Ukrainian citizens get no choice to remain independent from the two powers.
Apparently the policy makers have given the “go ahead” to the controlled media to hype the PR diplomacy campaign for peaceful options that meets the preplanned agreements between Russia and the West all along. Their hidden agenda was to carve up the nation of Ukraine into smaller parts for both the Russian Federation and the European Union. They are nearing the completion of their devious plan at the expense of many lost…

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