Some interesting information here. Thanks to Lucas. Spartan of Truth

Lucas 2012 Infos

[political history, government and law]
By: Judge Dale, retired

PART 5                           See Recap of this Article:  Recap of Legal Fraud ( other parts in links below article)

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7 Responses to “”

  1. Interesting Information is NOT Actual truth without verifiable evidence.
    on just one section, the last page of part 5, appears to be BS. Here’s the contention:

    There is a HUGE HUGE flaw in this person’s “theory” – and HOW do I know it’s a theory? and not something this person who wrote this actually has first hand knowledge of? has done himself? for himself?

    because of the HUGE FLAW! actually there are 3 Dead giveaways that this is a person’s THEORY

    he states that While you are in Bankruptcy, you are protected.  No one can proceed against you for any debts or foreclosure,

    THAT IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! T H A T presumption is what lost me my house!

    Second giveaway is this statement: ” This procedure usually attracts the attention of the (DOJ)” Right…so, give me a break…HOW MANY OF THESE procedures have YOU and I seen??? NONE! because NO ONE has done it!

    Third is this giveaway as to this person blowing smoke: ” you can probably cut a deal with the DOJ

    This is all wishful thinking …seriously …the courts, the BK judges – I’ve heard it over and over and over from the inside out – been there done this got the bloody T-shirt for 4 friggin years in the BK courts – “don’t mess around, don’t try to do anything other than just the straight discharge your debts, because all 3 judges in the San Jose Division have come together and agreed that anything OTHER than THAT will have to be tried in a DIFFERENT court!”  on a “T-shoe”call the other night, there was discussion of this prob in the courts, Garfield writes about this prob in the BK courts, it’s SOP nationwide.  The lawyers, the judges, and now any “debtor” that went into court and got bonked OUT KNOWS it that the judges “KNOW it’s a can of worms, and don’t want the worms in THEIR Court!”   so, I’ve been hit on the head enough times to know – discharge the debt the standard way and get on with your life, or lose house after house after house.

    It’s because the “BANKS” Are actually the “Controllers” of the judges. The JUdges protect the banks. AND suggesting a “Lawyer as Trustee? I have a problem with that too. It’s an oxymoron!

    Again the problem is the BAR! That is the Achilles heal. EVERYONE SHOULD STOP EVERYTHING THEY ARE DOING AND FOCUAS ON IMPEACHMENT OF THE FOREIGN AGENTS From the corrupt Politicians to the weasels public defenders. The deals are made by back door unaccountable subcontracted BAR manipulator.

    So unless some one can put up the truth. … well, watch out for the “false flags” and distractions because they keep leading us away like dangling carrot in from of a Jack ass!.

    • You lost your home because you failed to insure your status as a secured creditor by including your Birth Certificate and CUSIP # on the asset schedule! A stay van be secured from the Clerk which you then serve on the Bank and that STAYS all future activity against you or your property! Sorry that I didn’t provide instructions for idiots! Your other comments are equally absurd! Why should I have to prove every thought to anybody? Isn’t enough that I have chosen to risk my life in an effort to educate you about the things you believe are truth? Judge Dale

      • Thanks for your comments Dale. I value your work and protect your life with my energy, intent and thoughts! I wish there were more like you, this is my mission, to awaken more within the system to back up people like you.

        Divine protection for you and yours…

      • Hi Dale,

        Is there somewhere I can reach you to discuss my situation and the applicability of these techniques?

  2. Thank you judge for all your help. Question, can I go back after my B. K was closed with the cusip# and claim the balance of connected to my birth certificate?

  3. The links to Part 3 & 4 have been taken down. Anyone know another source to these docs?

  4. Hi Dale, thanks for the info. regarding the lawsuits, you mention these can be cancelled within 3 business days but what if I have an ongoing credit card lawsuit? It was filed in 2012, but the hearing or motion for summary judgement is coming up 7/18/13. can I still cancel this? or what would be the best way to handle it?

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